The best advice I've received about becoming an NP

The best advice I've received about becoming an NP

When I was considering applying to graduate school, I distinctly remember all of the questions I had surrounding the choices - which university, which specialty, and which degree (MSN or DNP)?! I really liked my BSN academic advisor, and so I reached out to her.

Looking back, she gave me the absolute best advice! She said, “The higher the degree, the more specialized you become. Choose your specialty carefully.”

This piece of advice really helped me dive deeper into scope of practice nuances for NP specialties and eventually led to my decision to attend a dual-role program. The last thing I wanted to do is to get stuck in a specialty that I didn’t even enjoy!

So my advice to you…if you’re considering grad school…choose your specialty carefully. You won’t regret it.

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Categories: Nurse-Led Change, Nursing Student Success, Tips for Nurses