Terminal Nursing Degrees

Terminal Nursing Degrees

Have you ever wondered what’s the highest degree you can achieve as a nurse? Doctoral nursing degrees can be somewhat confusing, so here’s a quick breakdown! Which doctoral degree would you consider pursuing as a nurse?

1. Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

  • DNP is terminal degree for advanced nursing practice. 
  • Focuses on clinical expertise and leadership skills.
  • Ideal for nurses seeking to implement systems-level changes in healthcare.

2. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PHD)

  • PhD in Nursing is a research-focused terminal degree.
  • Focuses on ground breaking research and contributing to nursing science.
  • Ideal for nurses seeking academic or research positions.

3. Doctor of Education in Nursing (EDD)

  • EdD in Nursing is a terminal degree for nurse educators.
  • Focuses on curriculum development and teaching strategies.
  • Ideal for nurses who want to shape the future of nursing education.

4. Doctor of Nursing Education (DNE)

  • DNE is a terminal degree focused on nurse education leadership
  • Focuses on advanced teaching and administrative skills.
  • Ideal for nurses interested inleading nursing education programs and initiatives.

5. Doctor of Nursing Science (DNS)

  • DNS is a terminal degree emphasizing research and scholarship.
  • Focuses on expanding nursing knowledge through scientific inquiry.
  • Ideal for nurses interested in evidence-based practice and policy development.

Are you on the path to a Terminal Nursing Degree? Join our thriving community at Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Students: Succeeding on Purpose and discover the key insights to make the most of your educational journey.

Categories: DNP School, Healthcare Systems, Nursing 101