Carpe Diem, Nurses!

How to Seize the Day As a Nurse

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to get ahead while you still feel stuck? Or why some people are just out there enjoying the journey while you feel like nothing in your life (or career) is going right? I have had those moments. It is really easy to fall into a big ol’ slump and start to compare someone else’s journey with our own.

But here’s the thing. There is a purpose that only you can fulfill. Have you ever thought about that? You were uniquely created for a reason! Your personality, skills, and life experiences are something only you can offer the world. When we start to focus on THAT, things start to change. One of the best ways to find and fulfill your purpose is to step into the practice of seizing the day.

Tomorrow is not promised. I enjoy the song “Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw, but why wait until we experience a tragedy or a terminal diagnosis to start LIVING?!

Here are 5 ways that nurses can “seize the day” today.

  1. Remember your “why.” Don’t lose sight of why you do what you do.

  2. Get out of your comfort zone. Go ahead - try something new! What have you always wanted to do that you’ve never done? Don’t wait - do it now!

  3. Give back! Whether it be instructing a class or mentoring an individual - there is something so rewarding about investing in others and in the future of nursing.

  4. Level up! Challenge yourself with pursuing a certification, attending a conference, or exploring a passion. How are you challenging yourself today?

  5. Surround yourself with people who are seizing the day every day. Those people exude life and energy, and chances are that you will pick up some of that just by choosing to be in their world.

I was recently attending a conference, and I heard the phrase “High energy = high impact.” The more I’ve thought about it, the more I think it’s true. Bring the energy because movement creates opportunities. Don’t settle for a mediocre life. Seize the day!

Categories: : Nurse-Led Change, Nursing 101, Tips for Nurses